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BAKEC - Bashe's Acts of Kindness and Ethics Center
The center is named for Bashe Rockman of blessed memory. She was a woman of extreme warmth and goodness who left the physical world seven years ago (1997) while in her seventh decade. Bashe was always available and accepting to all with whom she came in contact. Visitors to her home (an "open house") would be made to feel comfortable to the point of feeling that they were in their own home. Bashe’s patient manner, her non-judgmental and gentle way, would create a cocoon of calm and warmth for those who entered her space.

Among her simple yet profound sayings, and thus teachings, were, "Do the right thing because it is the right thing to do." and, "Character is doing the right thing when no other person is looking." Bashe’s spirit and inspiration is as strong as ever. Her impact on earth now resonates both in the heavens and back on earth today.

Visitors are encouraged to contribute thoughts and ideas, stories and happenings, which will serve to inspire the continued growth of Acts of Kindness and Ethical Behavior.
In line with the BAKEC objective, support is provided to projects that desire to incorporate the "Kindness Quotient" into their programs.

Quotable Kindness

"You and I can never do a kindness too soon, for we never know how soon it will be too late."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

"The three most important things in life are to be kind, to be kind, and to be kind."
Henry James

"The whole world is for the purpose of doing kindness."
Avigdor Miller

"Our mission in life is to use the blessings and skills that we have, to do acts of kindness."
Jack Doueck

"Parents should reserve their highest praise for the kind acts their children do. Most children get their highest praise for their academic honors and achievements. But what if we reserved our highest praise for our children for when they performed an act of kindness! What if we raised a generation of children who most liked themselves when they were doing a kind deed?"
Joseph Telushkin